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Labor Commisioner's Office (LCO)
Welcome to the Labor Commissioner's online Retaliation/Equal Pay Act (EPA)/Pay Transparency Complaint (PTC) form.
Employees, former employees, or job applicants who have suffered retaliation, are alleging unequal pay, or a violation of pay transparency laws, may file a complaint with RCI.
Retaliation Complaint Investigation Unit (RCI)
Retaliation Complaint
A worker who suffers a negative action for exercising a right protected by law should file a retaliation complaint.

Equal Pay Act (EPA) Complaint
A worker who believes they have been paid less than a person of the opposite sex, or of another race, or of another ethnicity, who is performing substantially similar work to the work they perform should file an EPA complaint.
Pay Transparency Complaint
A person who requested information about salaries from an employer and was denied, should file a Pay Transparency Complaint. A person who was asked their past salary when seeking employment should file a Pay Transparency Complaint.

For technical support for this form only, please email onlineRCIcomplaint@dir.ca.gov
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